Mapping Our Soul Astrology
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Class Preview
Preview the Classes
The Foundational Basics
North and South Nodes
Understanding the Lunar Nodes Part 1
How are they calculated?
True node vs mean node
North node and South node
The Nodal Axis through the Signs
Understanding the Lunar Nodes Part 2
The Nodal Axis through the Signs (cont)
The Nodal Axis through the Houses
Understanding the Lunar Nodes Part 3
Critical Degree Nodes
Intercepted Nodes
Direct Nodes
Nodal Axis by Aspect
The Nodal and Reverse Nodal Return
Lunar Nodes by Transit Activation
Lunar Nodes by Synastry Activation
Real Examples from Class Participant's Charts
Chiron- More than The Wounded Healer
Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts
Who was Chiron?
The Chiron Mythology
Taking the Chironic Journey
Abandonment, shame, loss, rejection
Chosen family, hope, optimism, education through art and defense and healing
Mastery and reverence
Selflessness and foresight
Chiron through the Signs
Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts 2
Chiron through the Signs
Gemini - Pisces
Time spent in each sign
Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts 3
Chiron through the 12 Houses
Chiron in Aspect
Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts 4
Chiron in Aspect (cont)
Chiron Progressions
Chiron Activated in Synastry
Chiron's Lovers
Real Examples from Class Participant's Charts
Chiron- More than The Wounded Healer v2
Second Class Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts
The Chiron Mythology
Taking the Chironic Journey
Abandonment, shame, loss, rejection
Chosen family, hope, optimism, education through art and defense and healing
Mastery and reverence
Selflessness and foresight
Chiron through the Signs
Time spent in each sign
Second Class Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts 2
Chiron through the Houses
Second Class Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts 3
Chiron through the Houses
Chiron by aspect
Second Class Chiron: Identifying Your Deepest Wound and Greatest Gifts 4
Chiron progressions
Chiron activated synastry
Chiron's Lovers
Real Examples from Class Participant's Charts
Unlocking the Secrets of Composite Astrology
Unlocking Composite Astrology
What is a Composite?
How is it different from synastry?
How do you utilize it in a relationship?
At what point do you begin use it in a relationship?
Composite Houses
Unlocking Composite Astrology 2
Composite Chart Planets
Composite Sun Through the Houses
1 - 8
Unlocking Composite Astrology 3
Composite Sun Through the Houses
8 - 12
Composite Moon Through the Houses
Composite Chart Aspects
Real Examples from Class Participant's Charts
Unlocking Composite Astrology 4
Real Examples from Class Participant's Charts
The Goddesses
The Goddesses: Astrological Divine Femininity Part 1 Video 1/4
The Goddesses: Astrological Divine Femininity Part 1 Video 2/4
The Goddesses: Astrological Divine Femininity Part 1 Video 3/4
The Goddesses: Astrological Divine Femininity Part 1 Video 4/4
The Goddesses: Astrological Divine Femininity Part 2